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What are the advantages and disadvantages of compact spinning?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of compact spinning?

1. Advantages
① Less hairiness
The hairiness of traditional ring spinning is mainly produced in the twisting triangle area, while compact spinning eliminates the triangle area, and the hairiness is greatly reduced. Proof of production practice. Compared with traditional ring spinning, the hairiness of compact spinning yarn is reduced by 70% to 80%.
② Well organized
The fiber straightness in the sliver is improved, and the yarn evenness is better.
③ Wear resistance
Compared with traditional ring spinning, the fiber arrangement of compact spinning yarn is neat and straight. The yarn structure is tight and the fibers are not easy to fall apart, so the yarn has good wear resistance.
④ High strength
Yarn strength depends on the number of fibers in the sliver and the cohesion and friction between the fibers. Compact spinning with less hairiness. There are more effective fibers in the sliver. In addition, the fibers are arranged neatly and tightly held together. High yarn strength. Compared with traditional ring spinning, the strength of compact spinning yarn is increased by 10% to 25%.
⑤ Good pilling resistance
Fabric pilling is closely related to the hairiness of the cloth surface. The fabric produced by compact spinning yarn has less hairiness on the fabric surface and its anti-pilling performance is obviously better than that of traditional ring spinning;
⑥ Small twist
Due to the increase in strength, the yarn twist can be appropriately reduced. Generally, the twist is reduced by 20% compared with ring spinning, which can increase the yarn output;
2. Disadvantages
Large equipment investment
High start-up cost
Clean work is strong

Characteristics of compact fabric
1. Improve the appearance of the fabric
Compact spinning has less hairiness, tight and smooth yarns, and weakened coverage of the fabric. Therefore, the surface of the fabric is bright and clean, the lines are clear, and the drape is improved;
2. Improved fabric service performance
The breaking performance and tearing of compact textiles are emphasized to improve, the abrasion resistance and resilience are improved, the fabric is wear-resistant, not easy to pilling, and the wear resistance and non-ironing properties of clothing are also improved;
3. Unique fabric style
The small twist of compact spinning makes the fabric feel soft, delicate and silky. Good abrasion resistance is more suitable for the development of loop and pile fabrics, so that the loop and pile of the fabric or clothing are not easy to wear. The fibers in the cut pile fabric are not easy to wear away.